Get all the inner content out from any webpage in 1 click.

The title of the page will be displayed here.
Favicon will be displayed here.
A screenshot of the page will be displayed here.
A PDF of the page will be displayed here.
Metadata like response headers, content-type, GeoIP, etc. will be shown here as JSON.
Article Text
Article text found by Readability will be displayed here in markdown format.
Featured Images
Prominent images or photo collections found with gallery-dl will be displayed here.
Comments, forum threads, and discussions will be shown here. (Twitter, Reddit, Disqus, etc.)
Video or Audio Content
Hi-res audio, video, and subtitles found with yt-dlp will be displayed here.
Files linked for downloading will be displayed here.
Git Repositories
Extracted Git repositories and source code will be shown here.
Research Papers
PDFs of research papers and DOI numbers will be displayed here.
Text found in images (BETA)
Text found in images using OCR/AI will be displayed here.
AI summary (BETA)
An AI-generated summary of the page will be shown here.
HTML + CSS + JS Snapshot
A self-contained, offline replica of the page will be generated as HTML & WARCZ files here.
3rd-Party Archives
Links to this page saved on,, and IPFS will be shown here.
Use PRO for 1¢/URL
- Crawl entire sites/domains, continuously ingest your browser history/bookmarks
- Set up repeating snapshots of sites on a schedule & auto-import from RSS/social media
- Transcribe / describe visual scenes and speech from video/images/audio using AI
- End-to-End encryption, REST API, and enterprise-ready permissions & audit logs
- And more...